
Posts Tagged ‘Humain Reading’

Getting human reading time info from RRD files

December 17th, 2008 No comments

You have a .rrd file but you don’t remember how much time RRAs can store data ? all right, no problem.

First save this Perl code into a .pl file.

$step = $1 if (m/step = (\d+)/);
$rows = $1 if (m/rra.*\.rows = (\d+)/);
if (m/(.*)\.pdp_per_row = (\d+)/) {
$pdp = $2; $time = $step*$rows*$pdp;
if ($time > 31536000) { $time = sprintf("%.2f year",$time/31536000) }
elsif ($time > 86400) { $time = sprintf("%.2f days",$time/86400) }
elsif ($time > 3600) { $time = sprintf("%.2f hours",$time/3600) }
print "$1: $step*$rows*$pdp = $time\n";

Assuming the filename of the script is, run this Shell command:

rrdtool info file.rrd | perl -n

Here is an output example:

rra[0]: 300*864*1 = 3.00 days
rra[1]: 300*864*5 = 15.00 days
rra[2]: 300*702*25 = 60.94 days
rra[3]: 300*840*125 = 364.58 days
rra[4]: 300*840*625 = 4.99 year
rra[5]: 300*864*1 = 3.00 days
rra[6]: 300*864*5 = 15.00 days
rra[7]: 300*702*25 = 60.94 days
rra[8]: 300*840*125 = 364.58 days
rra[9]: 300*840*625 = 4.99 year
rra[10]: 300*864*1 = 3.00 days
rra[11]: 300*864*5 = 15.00 days
rra[12]: 300*702*25 = 60.94 days
rra[13]: 300*840*125 = 364.58 days
rra[14]: 300*840*625 = 4.99 year

The formula is update step time * numbers of rows in the rra * pdp_per_row

Categories: Perl, RRDTool Tags: , ,