How big is you MP3 collection all over your hard drives ?
You want to know the total size of all your .mp3 files ? (or any kind of file, juste change the locate argument)
Try :
locate .mp3 | perl -e 'while(<STDIN>) { chop ; $tsize += -s $_; } print $tsize/1048576 . "Mo\n"'
locate .mp3 | perl -e 'foreach (<>) { chop and $_["+"]+=-s$_ } print $_["+"]/1048576 . "Mo\n"'
or if you didn’t have perl (sorry for you ;))
locate .mp3 | awk '{print "\"" $0 "\""}' | xargs ls -l | awk 'BEGIN{s=0}{s+=($5/1024/1024)}END{print s "Mo"}'
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